Monday, July 30, 2012


The most valuable asset, you would never pass a day without it being mentioned atleast once . Education has had a long history. The ways and modes of education have shown tremendous changes since the olden days. The gurukulams where the student had an opportunity to stay with the teacher and learn not only the concepts of the subject but also how he applies the concepts to his day to day activities need no mention. Irrespective of the subject one pursues, I strongly believe that every subject when read in depth, always points towards the laws of nature and the core values of life. And as far as I know, physics and medicine are par excellence in this regard. And I haven't read other subjects, hence unable to comment on those. I strongly believe that each subject has something to offer to mankind. Not only from monetary aspect but also for making a self progress. Though the education system of today is widely branched, it is doubtful whether it is as deep as it is wide. We have a long catalogue of subjects offered by colleges. But how far are they applicable and applied to one's life? When an unskilled labourer joins a manual work, as a part of the work, he should be trained in the science behind the work too. A home maker would be a real home saver if she knows home science too. What if a road layer knows the science behind the plans and the reasons why he has to lay so. The quality of road making would tremendously improve and indeed, there will be less accidents. Of course the engineers plan the roads. But imagine the involvement there will be if the worker on site knows the rationale behind the plan. And I hear you saying there will be no difference between the learnt and the illiterates. In fact there will be more respect after knowing that the planners had done it on solid grounds. An example I can attribute is this.  Doctors always have problems with patients' antibiotic courses. As soon as the symptoms subside, the patients stop the antibiotics. But when administering the antibiotics, when we insist that the full course of antibiotics is to exterminate the organism and any interruption will make the organism resistant to that group of antibiotics and we will have to resort to higher costly antibiotics and in some cases there might be no cure at all, we really see the difference when the patient comes back for follow up saying that he had taken utmost care to take the antibiotic on time. This is the difference knowing the rationale makes. Education may seem too big a commodity to be offered to the laymen in any working cadre, but it will and it only will go a very long way in improving the quality of any work man lays his hands on. Instill the interest to learn and you might see the difference. There are exceptions, yet it is worth the effort.   

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