Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The child who grew up on his own!

On a sea shore in an island
He made his first foot print on land
How he came to be isolated there
Not any one knew, but it was not fair.

While the children needed help for their walk
He was already running, but unable to talk
What is the need for a language when there is none
And when nature and you are one.

Smile was his all day wear
Not a moment when the wear could tear
He tamed the fire and turned the waters
He learnt by himself how to slaughter.

What was his use for guilt, shame or pretention
When he viewed the monkeys as a competition
It seemed as though the sun rose for him
And when he got tired it became dim.

To which school  did he go?
To Which God he wanted to bow?
What were his dining etiquettes?
In cities, he must have been stamped a delinquent.

Parenting ,though is an art,
Is not only your effort.
The spent attention sought again.
The sought attention spent again.

Care for the child when dependent and
Encourage the need to be independent
The disasters which have to be suppressed
Were the desires which were once suppressed.

The left alone child whom we left alone
Isolated the world of him
Him, Whose brains must have passed
All the Benefits of evolution.

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