Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Unsuccessful Search

A poem, rather, a prose on what I think ultimately becomes of me. Only me because as far as I know I believe in this . "The law of conservation of energy" Energy is converted from one form to another. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.And it applies to whatever small or colossal one comes across. Existence has always existed. And there has been no Creation or Destruction.

Staring at the night sky
I began to doze off
Woke into a sleep or
A trance- as people say
Badly did I yearn
To become a star
Not in life though
How shall I?
I never knew
Agony gripped me
If Dhruva could
Why not me? Now?
Sat propped up for
Days and nights
Scavenged everywhere
Still no hint!
To a loss of food
The physical entity
Faded and died
The Undying fire
Though seemed put off
Burned ever the more
Stronger and brighter
As the final disaster
Arrived out of nowhere
The heavenly bodies
Rann amuck
Embraced the home
A big splash
In it were
My own molecules
Drifted into the deep black
Rescued by a whirling storm
Into chambers
None could imagine
And finally I was
Seated beside
You know who?
A molecule of glass
Yet I could never
Look beyond
For it was
Just a molecule
Finally, We
Became the Star!

1 comment:

  1. A nice beginning, Divya. Keep thinking!!!

    - Balakumar
